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中级口译阅读复习要点NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  1.全面掌握基本语法点,重点记住各个项目中的“偏,特,难”点;NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  2.掌握常用习惯用法和词组;NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  3.注意在阅读中培养语感,因为在语篇层次上培养的语感往往可以直接帮助答题;NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  4.研究以往考试试题,适当做些练习记住典型题例;NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  5.练习时应快速阅读文章本体,速度大约为200 字/分钟。重点是掌握文章大意及每一段大概,仔细阅读第一段和每一段的首句;NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  6.做题的关键是每一题必须能从原文中找到出处,也就是能够证明这道题正确答案的部分,千万不要凭印象。NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  在阅读过程中,抓文章的主题思想,是对文中具体内容理解的关键。NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  主题思想(the Main Idea)是作者在文章中要表达的核心内容,也是作者自始至终要说明的问题。能否抓住一篇文章的主题思想,体现了读者总结、概括和归纳事物的能力。可以说,找出主题思想是一项十分重要的阅读技能。NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  一、抓主题思想,我们首先要学会识别文章中那些最根本、最具有概括力的信息。这种NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  信息应能归纳和概括文中其他信息所具有的共性。例一:NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  Directions:Choose the most general sentence.NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  A.The hotel offers complimentary coffee from 7to 10a.m.daily.NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  B.There are many reasons why guests feel at home at the Glorietta Bay Inn.NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  C.The coin-operated laundry room has an ironing board.NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  D.There are a number of extra services at the Glorietta Bay Inn including baby-sitting.NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  A、C、D 都是从不同的侧面说明旅馆的服务情况,相互间并无联系。而B 却概括了A、C、D 的共性的东西,即:为什么旅客住在这家旅馆里有宾至如归的感觉。因此,B 符合题意,倘若在一段文章中包含了以上A、B、C、D 几条信息,那么,B 就是该段的中心思想。NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  出于同样的道理,如果在一篇文章中,作者分段叙述几方面的内容,那么,这些段落所围绕和要说明的问题就是该文的中心思想。例二:NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  Directions:Choose the main idea of the article.(Following are the topic sentences of anNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  article.)NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  1)A mounting body of evidence suggests that fighting violence with violence rarely deters aNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  crime in progress and greatly increases the chances of changing a robbery into a violent attack on the victim....NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  2)One report shows that at least 100 thousand handguns are stolen from private owners eachNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  year,the vast majority during burglaries....NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  3)Moreover,a study of robberies in eight American cities states that in less than 4 percent of the crimes did the victim have the opportunity to use a weapon....NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  Which of the following best reflects the main idea of the article?NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  A.What happens to the victims of crime?NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  B.Is your family safe?NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  C.Should you arm yourself against crime?NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  第一段和第三段提到了victims(受害者),第二段提到了入室行窃,但是第三段说明的共同问题是人们是否应拥有自卫武器来反对犯罪行为。因此只有选项C 才能概括这三段所共同说明的问题,也就是此文的中心思想。NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  二、主题思想应能恰如其分地概括文中所阐述的内容。NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  面不能太窄,即:不足以概括全部内容;但是面也不能太宽,即:包含了文中没有阐述的内容。例三:NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  Directions:Read the following and choose the title that best expresses the ideas of theNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  passage.NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  There is a simple economic principle used to determine prices.It is called the law of supplyNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  and demand.Supply means the amount of,or access to,certain goods.Demand represents theNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  number of people who want those goods.If there are more goods than wanted,the price of themNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  falls.On the other hand,if the demand for those goods is much greater than the supply, then the price rises.Of course,manufacturers prefer to sell more goods at increasedNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  price.NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  A.Economic PrinciplesNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  B.Law of Supply and DemandNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  C.M ore Goods,Lower PricesNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  D.Fewer Goods,Higher PricesNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  该问题,A 泛指经济规律,面过宽;C 和D 只是供需规则的二个单独的方面,不能包含全部,面太窄。正确的答案是B,因为这正是该短文自始至终谈论的主题。NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  三、一段文章的中心思想常常由主题句(Topic Sentence)表达。主题句常常位于段首或段尾处,间或出   现在段落中间。同样,一篇文章的中心思想也常常在开始或结尾段点出。NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  因此在阅读中,我们要特别注意文章的开头或结尾。例四:NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  English is clearly an international language.It is spoken by pilots and airport control operatorsNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  on all the airways of the world.Over 70 percent of the world"s radio programs are in English.NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  本段主题句为首句,其后的内容句均说明首句。例五:NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to do.Others prefer to beNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  left to work on their own.Still others like a democratic discussion type of class.No one teachingNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  method can be devised to satisfy all students at the same time.NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  本段中心思想在结尾句得到体现,它是此段内容的结论。例六:NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  For adults a cold is not that serious.However,this is not the case for children.Cold symptoms in children may be signs of more serious diseases and should be given promptNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  medical attention.NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  本段主题句为第二句,因为在however 后面才是作者真正的看法,并在下文中进一步作NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  了说明。NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  然而,我们也常常发现,有的主题思想并非直接由一、二个句子表述,而是在文中间接NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  暗示着。这就需要读者根据文中细节进行概括与归纳,找出主题思想。例七:NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  It"s no wonder that we have so many rejections for physical reasons in our SelectiveNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  Service.Since October of 1948,some six million young men have been examined for militaryNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  duty.Of these,more than a million were rejected as physically unfit for military service.To get two men today,the United States Army must call seven men.Of the five rejected threeNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  are turned down for physical reasons and two for mental problems.To get the 196thousandNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  additional men we needed for Berlin,the government had to call up 750 thousand men.And theNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  rejection rate is increasing each year.The reason for this problem is that we are underexercised as a nation.We look,instead of play.We ride,instead of walk.The way we live prevents us from being healthy.NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  本段中找不到某一句作为主题。根据文中的内容进行归纳,可找出主题思想,即:“The military"s rejection rate for physical reason is increasing because this nation"s lack of exercise isNFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
  leading to poor health.”NFd范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

