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托福口语得高分的最关键因素是什么?不只是丰富的托福词汇,也不只是复杂的句型,托福口语最主要的目的是为了提高学生的口语应用能力,今天小编给大家带来了托福口语脱口而出的50句精悍口头禅,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

托福口语脱口而出的50句精悍口头禅J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

1.Absolutely!——毫无疑问!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

2.Adorable!——可爱极了!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

3.Amazing!——太神奇了!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

4.Anytime!——随时吩咐!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

5.Almost!——差不多了!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

6.Awful!——好可怕啊!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

7.Allow me!——让我来!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

8.Baloney!——胡扯!荒谬!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

9.Bingo!——中了!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

10.Boring!——真无聊!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

11.Bravo!——太棒了!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

12.Bullshit!——胡说!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

13.Correct!——对的!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

14.Crazy!——疯了!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

15.Damn!——该死的!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

16.Deal!——一言为定!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

17.Definitely!——当然!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

18.Disgusting!——好恶心啊!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

19.Drat!——讨厌!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

20.Exactly!——完全正确!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

21.Faint!——我倒!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

22.Fantastic!——妙极了!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

23.Fifty-fifty!——一半对一半!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

24.Fresh!——好有型!帅极了!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

25.Gorgeous!——美极了!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

26.Great!——太好了!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

27.Hopefully!——希望如此!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

28.Horrible!——好可怕!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

29.Hot!——好辣!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

30.Hurray!/Hurrah!——万岁!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

31.Imagine!——想想看!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

32.Impossible!——不可能吧!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

33.Impressive!——很感人,永生难忘!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

34.Incredible!——不可思议!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

35.Indeed?——真的?J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

36.Listen!——听着!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

37.Lousy!——差劲!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

38.Now!——现在就做!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

39.Objection!——我抗议!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

40.Outrageous!——不得了!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

41.Perfect!——很完美!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

42.Please!——拜托了!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

43.Probably!——很可能!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

44.Rats!——差劲!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

45.Relax!——放轻松!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

46.Right!——对的!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

47.Satisfied?——满意了吗?J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

48.So so!——马马虎虎!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

49.Still?——仍是这样?J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

50.Stingy!——小气鬼!J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

托福独立口语题库答题解析:电视、报纸和广播J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

Media-TV, Newspaper and Radio 电视、报纸和广播J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

1. ■28 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion.J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

参考分析:J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

不能同意这个观点一因为这样的说法过于片面。J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

•有些媒体(大众传媒mass media)表现得过于关注名人。但是真正的起因(the real cause)却是大众(the public; the broad masses of the people)本身-----大众过于关注名人以及名人的私生活。媒体不过是在迎合大众(cater to the needs of customers;过去几年里,电视一直迎合大众的口味。 the past several years,television has been playing to the gallery.),因为媒体也是商业机构(commercial organization),也要盈利(profit-driving) 。J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

•不是所有媒体都在一味迎合大众,也不是所有的television program, newspaper column都在关注名人。J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

28、同意电视等媒体过分注重公众人物的报道J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

(1) 媒体为了满足大众的好竒心(SATTSFYTHE CURIOSITY),所以过分注重公众人物的报道。比如说,名J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

人的食品和生活方式等等。J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

(2) 媒体为了赚钱的霓要,集中在公共人物的报道。J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

(3) 媒体为了监督公众人物。所以经常报道他们的私生活。J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

2. Some people read the newspaper every day; olhers prefer watching Ihe news on televisico or listening to the radio. How do you keep yourself informed and why? Include details to support you explanation. [2007.3.15/加拿大 2007.3.17]J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

3. Some people think that parents should lead their children to watch TV. Others think that the children should choose what they want to watch by themselves. What is your opinion? Use specific reascos and examples to support your choice. ★[2006.3.25/2006.12.8]J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

I think the parent should lead their children to watch TV.First,they can lead the children to watch some nice programs that the children can be helpful to the kids.Second,it can eliminate possibility for the children to watch some inappropriate program, for example the unhealthy or too violent program. By leading them, the parents can give the kids suitable advice. This is part or the responsibility of the parents. Lead is not full constrained, the kids can have some space to watch whatever they want to watch, but it must be under the lead of the parents.J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

4. Some people think that TV gives positive effects to the modern society. Others think that TV gives negative effects to the modern society. What is your opinion and why? Include details and examples in your explanation. ★ [2006.11.19]J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

5. Which one acts more influence on you? Media (information from TV, newspaper and radio), or people (friends, families or teachers)? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response. ★ [2006.12.16] Living in this information age, we will face numerous of information from the TV, newspapers... all kinds of media everyday. But I think my family and friends influence me more because I trust them more. And their advices are more practical and useful to fit my situation. What‟s more, I consider the TV or newspapers media to entertain or know some news. Since I am a girl has critical think. I think only friends and families can influence my decisions, because I am so close to them that I cant avoid to be influenced by them. Although I admit that I am influenced by the TV and newspaper , but the extent is much less than by my friends and family. Maybe, also because I am a little bit resistant to those information. Since I have several times unpleasant experiences by buying some products very attractive in the TV commercial, but the real one is bad.J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

托福独立口语题库答题解析:进步J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

Progress 进步J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

1. ■37 Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

参考分析:J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

不同同意。Always是一个绝对的修饰词。J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

 大多数的时候进步是好的。电的发明、交通方式的进步、通讯方式的改良  也有些时候进步带来一些副作用J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

37、发展不一定都是好的J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

(1)经济发展带来了环节的破坏、污染J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

(2)科技的发展带来了计算机犯罪等现象的发生J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

(3)媒体的发展另人们变的更加懒惰J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

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托福相关文章:J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

★ 学习资料库J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

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★ 英语口语3000句第一课(1-94)J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

★ 2020托福听力5大出题规律是什么J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

★ 英语文摘J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

★ 中国合伙人观后感影评2020J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

★ 2020年bec中级适合什么人考J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

★ 如何能够更有效的背单词呢J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

★ 关于参评优秀学生申请书范文J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

★ 学习资料库J8O范本网大全 - 范文模板下载



