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  以下是小编给大家整理的家庭教育实用对话及情景句(1),希望可以帮到大家B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  家庭教育 (一)B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Father: How was school today, Dominic?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  父亲:多米尼克,今天上学怎么样?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Son: I hate school!B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  儿子:我讨厌上学!B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Father: Why? What happened?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  父亲:为什么?出什么事了?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Son: I bombed the test in my mid-term exam.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  儿子:我的期中考试考砸了!B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Father: It's just one exam. Can you re-take the exam?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  父亲:那不过是一次考试。你能补考吗?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Son: Yes, but it's so humiliating! I don't want my friends to know I failed!B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  儿子:可以,可是实在是太丢脸了!我不想让我的同学们知道我考试不及格!B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Father: Why didn't you do a good job?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  父亲:你为什么没考好?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Son: I don't know. I sat down in my seat, looked at my paper, and then my mind just went totally blank.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  儿子:我不清楚。我坐在座位上,盯着卷子看,大脑一片空白。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Father: Do you think you studied enough for the exam?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  父亲:你觉得你考试准备得充分吗?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Son: No.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  儿子:不怎么好……B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Father: So you must fight tooth and nail. I believe you can pass it this time.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  父亲:所以你要努力学习,我相信这次你一定能过。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  实用情景句型B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  1. How was school today, Dominic?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  多米尼克,今天上学怎么样?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  How were you getting at school today, Dominic?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  多米尼克,今天上学怎么样?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Were you fine at school today, Dominic?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  多米尼克,今天上学怎么样?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  I'd like to discuss my daughter's progress.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我想了解一下我女儿学习的情况。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  I'd like to talk about my daughter's grade.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我想了解一下我女儿的学习成绩。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  How is my daughter doing in class?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我女儿学习上情况怎样?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  What can I do to help her at home?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  在家我能帮她点什么忙呢?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  How can I help her with her homework?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我怎样帮她做课外作业呢?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  She's having a hard time with her homework.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  她感到做课外作业挺难的。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  My daughter seems to be having trouble in class.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  好像我女儿在学习上有困难。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  2. I bombed the test in my mid-term exam.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我的期中考试考砸了!B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  I got the short end of the stick.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  这实在是我所能遇到最糟的情况了。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  It has gone south.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  情况越来越糟糕了。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  3. Can you re-take the exam?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  你能补考吗?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  When is the final (exam)?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  什么时候进行期末考试?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  When is the midterm?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  期中考试在什么时候?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  What's on the test?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  考哪些内容?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Can you tell me what grade you're getting?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  你能告诉你得了多少分吗?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Would you tell me what grade you're getting?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  你能把你的成绩告诉我吗?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  4. But It's so humiliating!B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  可是实在是太丢脸了!B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  It's so discreditable!B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  可是实在是太丢脸了!B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  It's so disgraced!B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  可是实在是太丢脸了!B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  I am as proud as a peacock.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我极其骄傲。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  It's a matter of time.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  这是迟早的事情。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  5. I don't want my friends to know I failed!B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我不想让我的同学们知道我考试不及格!B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  I don't want friends to know my failure in the test.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我不希望我的朋友知道我考试不及格。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  I hope my friends don't know about my failure in the test.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我不希望我的朋友知道我考试不及格。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  6. My mind just went totally blank.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  大脑一片空白。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  My brain doesn't work.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我的大脑一片空白。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  There is a big hole in my head.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我什么也不记得了。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Someone knows the ropes.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  某人对此非常在行。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  7. Do you think you studied enough for the exam?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  你觉得你考试准备得充分吗?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Do you think you're prepared enough for the exam?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  你觉得你考试准备得充分吗?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Do you think you are ready for the exam?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  你觉得你考试准备得充分吗?B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  8. So you must fight tooth and nail.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  所以你要努力学习。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  So you must try your best.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  所以你要努力学习。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  So you must study harder.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  所以你要努力学习。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  9. I believe you can pass it this time.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我相信你一定能过。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  I believe you can succeed.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我相信你一定能过。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  I believe you can't fail again.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我相信你一定能过。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Things will turn out all right.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  一切都会变好的。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Things will work out all right.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  一切都会变好的。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Everything will be fine.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  一切都会变好的。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  Tomorrow must be bright.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  一切都会变好的。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  I'm sure you'll succeed.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我确信你能获胜。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  I'm sure in the end you'll succeed.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我确信你能获胜。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  I feel certain that you'll win.B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载

  我确信你能获胜。B5h范本网大全 - 范文模板下载


