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1、opening subsidiary companies告诉客户 建立分公司的消息3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
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1 )we are glad to inform you that we have recently opened a branch company for the sale of the garments at shanghai.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
欣告在上海开设一家销售服装的分公司。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
2)i am writing to inform you that i have just established myself in this city as a commission agent.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
今告你我已在本市设立一家佣金代销商。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
3) for the convenience of our customers, we have decided to open a new branch in guangzhou, and have appointed mr cheng the manager.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
为方便客户,我方决定在广州开设新的分公司,并委任程先生为经理。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
4) we are pleased to inform you that we have recently opened a branch establishment for the sale of the new products at chengdu.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
为销售我公司的新产品,最近在成都设立分公司,特此奉告。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
5) we are pleased to inform you that our business will be turned into a limited company on january 2nd.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
本公司于1月2日将改为股份有限公司,特此奉告。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
6) we have the pleasure to inform you that we have entered into partnership with ms yang.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
我们已与杨女士合伙经营,特此奉告。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
7) it is proposed that one ordinary share of the abc co., ltd., shall exchange for one share of the xyz co., ltd.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
现提议将以 abc 股份有限公司普通股一股交换xyz 股份有限公司一股。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
8) we arenow a private limited company and shall carry on the business to our mutual prosperity.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
现在我公司为私人有限公司,定为互相繁荣进行贸易往来。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
9) i have the pleasure to announce that the business of the firm will, from june 1st, be carried on by myself at the same address.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
自六月一号起本公司的业务将由本人自行主持,地址不变,特此函告。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
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2、establishment and extension of business 建立和扩大业务3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
a、procuration granted 授予代理权3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
1)we have the pleasure to inform you that we have given the company’’s procuration to mr.gui.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
我公司已将代理签名权授与桂先生。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
2) we inform you that we have authorized mr.cheng who has been with us for many years , to sign for our company per procuration.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
现特告为我公司服务多年的程先生已授权代理签名权。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
3) i have the pleasure to inform you that ms.wang has been authorized to sign for the company by procuration.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
王女士已授予代理签名权,特此告知。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
4)as the state of my health prevents me at present from giving personal attention to routine business, i have given my procuration to ms.c.g.p, who assisted me for the past ten years tomy perfect satisfaction.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
由于本人目前身体欠佳,不能亲自处理日常事务,特授权曾协助我10年之久的得力助手c.g.p先生代本人签名。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
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b、removal 迁址3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
1)we inform you that we shall on october 1st, 1999 remove to a more convenient office at heping street.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
兹定于1999年10月1日迁到更方便的和平街新址办公,特此通知。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
2)we inform you that we have this day removed to shijiazhuang , where all correspondence should be addressed in future.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
自即日起,已经迁至石家庄,日后来函请寄该址,特此奉告。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
3)owing to the expiration of our lease we have removed to the above address.3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
由于租期届满,我公司已迁至上述地址办公。3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载
4)kindly change our company’’s address on your records from ..... to......3Da范本网大全 - 范文模板下载



